Thumping and Pounding—fucking headache
2 Comments Delivered by Anonymous on 25 August 2007 at 12:49 AM.I don't know what it is, the lack of sleep or the alcohol splitting my veins. But this won't go away. It's not one of those headaches that are due to over thinking or even loud noises but rather one that squeezes your temples until you feel like they just might—no they will implode. Not even soothing music is helping it go away. Perhaps you have a headache though, and this will help lull it away.
Iron & Wine - "Sinning Hands" [Removed]
Find more music by this artist at The Hype Machine.
Labels: iron and wine, ramblings
Howdy--that's "Sinning Hands". Had me excited about a new rarity for a second!
Oops - Typppoooo Thanks man.